Want to Save on Electric Bills this Fall and Winter? Try These Top Energy-Saving Tips.
It's hard to keep our homes warm and lit in the winter and not pay a fortune in energy bills. The good news is there are a few easy things you can do right away that will help to reduce your energy consumption and help you save on your electric bill this fall and winter.
Open Curtains to let the Sun Stream in During the Day
Opening your curtains during daylight hours can help keep your home warm without turning up the thermostat. The sunlight passes through the window and warms the room, meaning you don't need to turn on the heat so often.
Install a Smart Thermostat to Save Energy and Money
Smart thermostats are one of the easiest ways to save money on your heating bill. You control a smart thermostat using an app on your phone, allowing you to adjust your home's temperature even when you're away. It's like having a personal assistant for your heating system!
Most people don't know how much energy they use each month — but smart thermostats tell you. By monitoring your home's energy usage and sending notifications when it exceeds expectations, these devices help you get an accurate picture of what's going on with your monthly bills and make adjustments accordingly.
Run Your Appliances when Electricity Costs Less
Peak demand is the maximum load on a power grid at any given time. The most extreme example is when everyone turns on their air conditioning at once, but even in winter, there are times when everyone is home and cooking dinner or watching TV.
The price of electricity rises dramatically during peak hours, so if you can avoid running your appliances at those times, it will save you money.
You can also reduce peak demand by using power-saving appliances such as energy-efficient light bulbs and refrigerators with higher energy efficiency ratings (the Energy Star label).
Use Rugs to Add Warmth and Color to Concrete and Hardwood Floors
Hardwood and concrete floors don't hold heat in the same way as carpets. So use rugs to keep your home warm. The rug should be thick enough to insulate against the cold floor and comfortable enough to keep your feet cozy.
Rugs come in all kinds of materials, from plush carpeting to wool and cotton yarns, so it's easy to find something that suits your home decor.
Keep Cozy by Dressing for the Season
Rather than reaching for the thermostat, why not put on another layer of clothing? Wool sweaters are perfect for keeping warm in winter.
A quick tip – wear layers instead of one bulky sweater because it's easier to remove layers if you start to feel too warm.
Change Your Air Filter
A dirty filter restricts airflow, reducing the heat your furnace or air conditioner can produce. You'll have to set your thermostat higher to get the same comfort level. So change filters regularly to lower electric bills and help your HVAC system last longer.
Get Your Furnace Checked Regularly
Regular furnace maintenance helps you save money on electricity bills by keeping your system operating efficiently. What's more, it also increases the life of your furnace by preventing problems before they occur. If it's been a while since your last checkup, schedule an appointment with a professional HVAC technician
Ensure you Have no Phantom Loads
Phantom loads use energy even when the device isn't in use. The drawback is that they cost money over time, especially if you have several devices in your home that have phantom loads.
Televisions, chargers, laptops, and microwaves are typical phantom loads. Say goodbye to those energy-sucking phantoms by unplugging devices when you aren't using them.
Reduce Drafts by Sealing Gaps Around Windows and Where Pipes Enter the Home
Look for cracks or holes in walls where pipes go through – these allow warm air from inside your house to escape, which wastes energy. Seal air gaps around windows by caulking or weather-stripping them with foam or rubber strips. Remember to seal gaps around pipes entering your home with foam gaskets, pipe wrap, or self-adhesive pipe insulation.
Cold Water Wash Your Laundry
Even if your machine says otherwise, you can save energy and money by washing in cold water. In fact, Energy Star recommends washing most loads in warm or hot water versus warm or hot as long as they're not heavily soiled or stained.
Change the Temperature on Your Water Heater
Like most people, you probably have your water heater set to the default temperature of 140 degrees. But by turning it down to 120 degrees, you'll save on energy – which also means lower electric bills.
Want to find out more about heating your Arizona home on a budget this fall and winter? Speak to one of our heating and HVAC professionals for more advice.